Roberto Abraham Scaruffi
Monti, M., Cambiare l’Italia, riformare l’Europa.
Un’agenda per un impegno comune. Primo contributo ad una riflessione aperta,
23 December 2012.
(Monti 2012).
Mario Monti
The Monti’s Agenda is a
classic Italiotic fraud. It is the usual list of things to be done in the
future, while now nobody did anything and be doing anything.
Technical governments
are coup d’État governments. Of course, they always have parliamentary support.
Such was the Monti government, put in office as outcome of one of the usual
coups d’État of the Quirinale (the Presidency of the Republic under Anglo-American
and German control) against governments coming out from general elections.
Since Mr. Berlusconi is
considered an outsider, relatively to predatory bureaucracies and oligarchies, so
not titled/authorised to really be in office, not only he is de facto deprived
from whatever control on Secret Police corps (which are anyway under the subversive
supervision of the Presidency of the Republic, as all governments and
Parliaments since 23 May 1992), but he is under constant assault from the
Carabinieri-NATO Secret Police corps, with annexed judiciary, at Quirinale
orders. The November 2011 coup d’État was the outcome of one of this assaults.
Since the impossibility
to destroy Berlusconi by mafia and corruption inquires (ordered to the Palermo
and Milan, as well as other, Prosecution Offices under tight Quirinale-Carabinieri
Secret Police control, since when Berlusconi formally entered politics in January
1994), President Napolitano ordered to involved Mr. Berlusconi in some sexual dirty
scandal. So, hundreds of investigators, with annexed judiciary, were unleashed
with this goal.
As usual, the Quirinale,
with Anglo-American and German, full support, internationally defamed Mr. Berlusconi
representing him as his main concern and activity were to organize orgies and
participating in them. Internationally defamed again, in this way, Berlusconi
and his government, it was claimed by media, largely under control of the
Quirinale-Carabinieri Secret Police corps, that the solution to financial
problems (the relative high rates of the public debt bills) were to replace
Berlusconi with the London’s Mason, welcome to the Germans, Mario Monti.
Actually, the responsibility
of the financial problems and of the out-of-control public debt was of the
Quirinale-bureaucratic-oligarchic bloc that, in 2006, rejected the Berlusconi
Constitution which gave real power to formal governments and to electors. With
a government able to really govern, without the constant threats of the predatory
bureaucracies and oligarchies whose institutional cupola is the Quirinale, both
bureaucratic reform and public debt could be dealt in some effective and
efficient way. Not casually, such Constitutional reform would have permitted
governs to govern and would have deprived the Quirinale of its coup d’État
power, was obsessively assaulted by media and massively rejected from
brainwashed voters.
What did Monti, in his
one year government? He did nothing, from the point of view of a real institutional
reform permitting governs to govern. He was put in office from the predatory bureaucratic
and oligarchic bloc refused whatever institutional frame could obstruct its
predations and from a Germany only concerned in rapidly marginalizing Italy
also from the point view of its real revenues, after that Italian industries
were progressively sunk and destroyed since the joint action of Italiotic
predatory bureaucracies and oligarchies, and of Anglo-American and German
In one year of Monti
government, despite it claimed expenditure massive cuts, taxation dramatically
increased and pubic debt equally increased, what means that State expenditure considerably
increased, and it increased only for bureaucratic and oligarchic predations. Central
and local governments are going on with the corrupted bureaucracies’ practice of
not paying suppliers, so many small and middles size companies close only
because they are not paid from government and they cannot access credit. With
high public debt and its relatively high rates, banks feel safer investing in
public debt bills instead of providing credit to small and middle size
companies. On the contrary, the predatory area has not any problem to access
low rate credit.
In Italy, public debt
could be reimbursed in 3 years and growth rates dramatically increased (now
there is a kind of permanent recession or stagnation) by cutting public current
expenditure (which largely is wastes and predation) of 75% (and using investment
expenditure not for financing useless public works, as it is done now, but for
effective maintenance).
That would mean to put
on the labour market now useless bureaucrats while, still while reimbursing
public debt, the now impossible fiscal pressure could begin to be cut. At reimbursed
public debt, fiscal pressure could be drastically cut. Such an operation would
immediately create the expectations of a rapid and drastic cut of taxation. The
whole economy would receive a strong and long lasting positive shock.
Of course, no comprador-predatory
bureaucracy and oligarchy would allow that. So, they invent the Montis.
Actually, the first necessary
(from a developmental point of view) reform would be the institutional reform (a
reapproval of the 2006 Berlusconi Constitution would be perfect, as a first possible
step), because, without it, no government has the power to really govern, so to
do anything.
What are the Monti
proposals? Fried air:
1. An electoral system
not guaranteeing any parliamentary majority.
2. A partial reimbursement
of the public debt, 5% a year ...from 2015!, until stabilising it to 60% GDP. How
with a formal government can only depress economy by increasing taxation while
not even paying suppliers?
3. The usual predation
of the public patrimony.
When a State cannot
efficiently manage its resources, it cannot efficiently privatise anything. For
instance, in the past, at the times of the Andreotti-Berlinguer regime, as a great
bureaucratic predation, were de facto
stolen, with the full agreement of all the corporations, the pension funds (various
times the present public debt). Now, pension public boards have no
capitalization. When, with the 1992 coup d’État / Great Purge, there was the
privatisation mania, public debt dramatically increased from 100% to 125% GDP while
State and local council companies were refinanced with public funds and stolen
from predatory oligarchies.
Check The Monti’s Agenda. It is the usual list
of things they have not done and they cannot do, with various tricks for going
on with bureaucratic and oligarchic predations. On the other side, the
predatory-comprador bloc put Monti in office with the agreement of a Germany is
progressively marginalizing all the ethnically not Germanic areas.
The 2011 Napolitano-Quirinale
coup d’État was the usual underdevelopmental coup d’État, not a developmental
one. The Carabinieri-Quirinale-NATO Secret Police / Death Squads, with annexed
judiciary, are a comprador underdevelopmental bureaucracy in Italy, nothing
else. They are criminal and maniacal comprador soldiers at the service of institutions
controlled from the predatory bureaucracies and oligarchies.
The goal of The Monti’s Agenda is just a politicking
operation for exploiting the brainwashing in favour of Monti operated from
media massively under tight control of the Carabinieri-Quirinale-NATO Secret
Police / Death Squads, with annexed judiciary, for trying increasing of some
percentage points the votes of the corrupted populist pseudo-centre of Casini-Montezemolo,
for a Senate without any majority. On the contrary, thanks to the Berlusconi
electoral law, the Camera will have a sure 55% majority.
Actually, more
precisely, this 55% will be the outcome of two parties, if the lefts will gain
election, with the far-leftists always used from the Quirinale for collapsing
lefts’ governments. For this reason the Quirinale wanted them with a PD could better
win without leftist allies. General elections are won in the centre. Here, the
centre is devastated from the Carabinieri-Quirinale-NATO Secret Police / Death
Squads, with annexed judiciary.
Created such a situation,
Monti hopes to be elected either President of the Republic or dictator of a new
and useless technical/coup d’État government for perpetuating the bureaucratic and
oligarchic predation, and for the pro-German further controlled sinking of
Italy. Sunk France, which structurally (check the occupation rate, a good proxy
for a variety of indexes) is in bad conditions, the German sub-Empire will be
solidly established.
Despite current vulgates,
the main responsibilities are of internal comprador predatory bureaucracies and
oligarchies, not of external irresistible forces. The euro is not guilty. Look
beside you! Look at yourselves! With ‘national’ currencies you would sunk even
Debt is the problem not
the solution. Idem inefficient and predatory States.
Monti, M., Cambiare l’Italia, riformare l’Europa.
Un’agenda per un impegno comune. Primo contributo ad una riflessione aperta,
23 December 2012.