03 August 2009

Letter from Lhasa, number 116. (Bowen 2008): Censoring Science

Letter from Lhasa, number 116. (Bowen 2008): Censoring Science

by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Bowen, M., Censoring Science. Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming, Dutton, Penguin Group, USA, 2008.

(Bowen 2008).

Mark Bowen

Evidently, climatic data suddenly became too dangerous. So, the US government intervened because such dangerous information was not universally diffused and was eventually altered when power did not like it. This book is about a specific case, but not only.

Bureaucracies operate everywhere with similar methods, when they are committing crimes:

As evidence of other, previous and subsequent, incidents of intimidation and scientific censorship at NASA – at Acosta and Mould's hands, as well as others at their level and above – would gradually come to light, and a modus operandi would be revealed. Censorship of climate science was not a written directive of the agency. It wasn't openly discussed; it is still not quite possible to censor science openly in this country. Those lower down on the totem pole, who say they were directed to do the dirty work – that is, the rewriting of press releases and the control or stifling of the spoken and written words of scientists – always received such orders orally, usually in closed-door meetings or in telephone calls that they attended individually, frequently outnumbered by the higher-ups, but in the absence of other, potentially troublesome witnesses at their own level.” (Bowen 2008, p. 43)

Even about hurricanes there were official interpretations, from government, about their causes, so precise orders to built certain truths for the masses. Orders must be enforced and executors must be surveilled:

“Alluding to the recent revelations about his own agency, Jim said he'd been “told by NOAA [[National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration]] colleagues that their conditions are much worse than those in NASA. A NOAA scientist cannot speak with a reporter unless there is a 'listener' on the line with him or her. (...) The claim is that the 'listener' is there to protect the NOAA scientist. (...)” (...)” (Bowen 2008, p. 144)

Information about the dr. James E. Hansen work the may be found here:


Basically, this book is a book on government/State, alias human, stupidity and on human propensity to commit abuses.

Bowen, M., Censoring Science. Inside the Political Attack on Dr. James Hansen and the Truth of Global Warming, Dutton, Penguin Group, USA, 2008.