09 August 2009

Letter from Lhasa, number 127. (Marsh 2009): The Euro

Letter from Lhasa, number 127. (Marsh 2009): The Euro

by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Marsh, D., The Euro. The Politics of the New Global Currency, Yale University Press, 2009.

(Marsh 2009).

David Marsh

Great Germany needed its Great Deutsche Mark. So, the EU area recognizing the German hegemony adhered and is adhering to the new Great Deutsche Mark, Euro. State creation by monetary union is in the German DNA, since the same Germany was created through custom and, later, monetary union. It is a slow way, not necessarily more solid, neither more efficient, than the British conception of Empire. It is anyway certainly qualitative different, surely more bureaucratic, perhaps more resilient and more fragile at the same time, depending on circumstances.

De facto, the German economy, and even more the Great Germany, the EU, is threatening the UK-USA world hegemony. The same is happening with the Euro relatively to the US dollar. That despite the military absolute world hegemony of the USA, terrifyingly powerful and weak at the same time.

(Marsh 2009) is a dense historic review on Euro, with also some comments about its present and near future problems.

Marsh, D., The Euro. The Politics of the New Global Currency, Yale University Press, 2009.