Letter from Lhasa, number 135. (Hoffman 2007): The Way of Splendor
by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi
Hoffman, E., The Way of Splendor. Jewish Mysticism and Modern Psychology, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.
(Hoffman 2007).
Edward Hoffman
This book shows the multiple facets of Kabbalah, from self-cultivation and -elevation to advanced psychological techniques. There is no need to eventually borrow from other traditions what already belonged to Jewish practices and research since innumerable time.
Not casually, devekut (דְּבֵקוּת), cleaving, cleaving to God, is a key concept and practice in Judaism.
Hoffman, E., The Way of Splendor. Jewish Mysticism and Modern Psychology, Rowman & Littlefield, 2007.