22 April 2011

Letter from Lhasa, number 214. (Denny 2010): Succeed for Yourself. Unlock Your Potential for Success and Happiness

Letter from Lhasa, number 214. (Denny 2010): Succeed for Yourself. Unlock Your Potential for Success and Happiness
by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Denny, R., Succeed for Yourself. Unlock Your Potential for Success and Happiness, Kogan Page, 2010.
(Denny 2010).
Richard Denny

About the definition of success the author follows a modest approach, what is certainly the best:
Success for one person might be just to get the next meal, success for another might be to gain employment in a secure job, for another freedom from worry. Success for the vast majority of us, though, is to achieve our goals, to live in a state of happiness and to have respect from those around us. So you must be the judge and jury of what success means to you.(Denny 2010, p. 1-2).

Defined that success is a subjective perception, the author may freely concentrate on the ingredients for unlocking one’s potential.

You may be successful or not in achieving “success”. However, you must want it and you have to invest in yourself. 

Basically, you have to be convinced, or to convince yourself. The same, perhaps banal, setting goals and achieving them sits in the realm of convincing yourself and acting consequently, so setting paths and deadlines even if being flexible is indispensable for reaching your goals. There is no magic formula... 

Visualisation (different from imagination and dreaming) belongs perhaps to magic. It is considerably less banal and easy than it may seem, if one wants to change one’s own world.

As usual, in this kind of books, there is a long list of positive qualities and attitudes it is better to have. You may risk turning in a saint. It would be the best of the achievements!

Denny, R., Succeed for Yourself. Unlock Your Potential for Success and Happiness, Kogan Page, 2010.