22 July 2011

Letter from Lhasa, number 233. (Wattles 2005): Ciência para Ficar Rico

Letter from Lhasa, number 233. (Wattles 2005): Ciência para Ficar Rico
by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Wattles, W. D., Ciência para Ficar Rico, http://www.meio.ws e-books, 2005.
(Wattles 2005).
Wallace D. Wattles

The Science of Getting Rich is a book originally published in the year 1910. It is a suggestive work written around the leading concepts that wealth is abundant, everybody can become rich, however only those who think in a certain way actually become rich. The desire of becoming rich is natural, while its opposite is pathological, although the simple desire be not sufficient.

The science of becoming rich is founded on a series of principles:

I. Thoughts are at the beginning of everything and they can create everything

II. Desire of God is that you become rich and be happy. Wealth is abundant and it must be acquired without competition.

III. It is not necessary to deal dishonestly with other people. On the contrary, one should give others more than one receives from them. A feeling of gratitude should permeate our personality.

IV. One has to create a specific and definitive image of what one wants to achieve, and maintain it continuously, clearly and strongly in one’s own mind.

V. A proper use of willpower. One needs to remove whatever image of poverty from oneself. One fights poverty becoming rich, not by charity. People become rich when they learn how to become rich.

VI. Favouring the use of willpower. One’s own mind must be focused on wealth.

VII. To act in a certain way. Thought and personal action must be combined. One needs to visualize an improvement founded on one’s own situation and the improvement will realize just one act for achieving what one firmly wished.

VIII. Efficient action. One has to act where one is. Each day one must do what must be done in that day.

IX. Enter the right business. One needs good tools and to use them in the right way. A desire is already the manifestation of a skill.

X. The impression of prosperity. Whatever one be doing, the mind must be focused on the impression of prosperity.

XI. A prosper person. With a high vision of what one be doing, and working for it, one will achieve it. Only excellence produces success and wealth.

In his conclusions, the author reaffirms that to become rich is a science. The principles of this science are exposed in this book. If one follows them, one will become rapidly rich.

Wattles, W. D., Ciência para Ficar Rico, http://www.meio.ws e-books, 2005.