22 September 2010

Letter from Lhasa, number 185. (Malkin 2009): Culture of Corruption

Letter from Lhasa, number 185. (Malkin 2009): Culture of Corruption    

by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi


Malkin, M., Culture of Corruption. Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC, 2009.

(Malkin 2009).

Michelle Malkin  



This kind of documentation books is always interesting, although the leitmotif be always the same: politics and politicians are corrupted, alias others are pure and holy. In practice, business and bureaucratic interests want such politics and politicians, while denouncing and denigrating them so that they could be “good” servant of bureaucratic, military, business and financial corruption.  


 “This is the government of the crony, by the lobbyist, and for all the well-heeled, well-connected people Barack Obama spent his entire campaign demonizing.”

(Malkin 2009, p. 12)


“A comprehensive look at the men and women serving Barack Obama, however, exudes the freshness of a bologna sandwich left in a Lincoln Town Car parked in the muggy heat of Washington, D.C., in the middle of August with the windows rolled up for a week. Within days of President Obama’s swearing in, the lemon-fresh scent of “Hope and Change” had been overpowered by the fetid ordor of Beltray swamp business as usual.”

(Malkin 2009, p. 103)


Similar books might be written on everything and everybody. However, apart from specific contexts, nobody will ever permit similar denunciations, for instance, on the FBI and on the military. If politics is as represented in this book, they are certainly not better. They need such politics and politicians.


Certainly, they also fear such politics and politicians, because more they are similar to them, more it and they can understand and eventually control bureaucracies and the business world if only it and they ever wanted to understand and control them.


At the same time, less a formal government is not at least partially insulated from the plurality of social and interests’, less it can plan and implement real innovation policies.



Malkin, M., Culture of Corruption. Obama and his Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies, Regnery Publishing, Inc., Washington, DC, 2009.