Letter from Lhasa, number 188. (Gray 1997): Mars and Venus on a Date
by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi
Gray, J., Mars and Venus on a Date. A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship, Harper Paperbacks, New York, N.Y., USA, 1997.
(Gray 1997).
John Gray
Perhaps this kind of books should be written from libertines, not from self-pretending responsible people and even claiming a Ph.D..
Perhaps this book, as similar ones, is a geniality or, perhaps, it is just a stuck of stupidities. Anyway, it is indispensable some geniality for organizing such a stuck of stupidities, or of science, in an ordered, eventually systematic, way.
In sex and love, there is a part, eventually relevant or very relevant, of instinct, a part of education and social education, and a part of personal experiences.
Instinct and instincts are, in part, common to everybody and, in part, different and lived differently from each one.
Socially and following social networks, there are suggested and imposed behaviours. Human beings are just easily conditionable louses. Do not expect too much from them, generally. They like to simulate to be something else. However...
In addition, last but not least, there are personal experiences. Experiences, which frequently involuntary, make concrete individuals. You cannot ever know what there is in a one’s “DNA”.
This kind of books is perhaps of the category of the social constructions. Of the kind: “We tell people to be unfaithful relatively to other individuals because they must be faithful and subject only to the Moloch State/power. At the same time, we tell them to create stable and happy family, because this is indispensable for making them super-easily blackmailable louses.”
These books become real fashions. Obsessive marketing promote them. Millions, ten millions, hundred millions, billion people buy them. Perhaps, the positive aspect is that only a few people really read them and follow their advices. We do not know with which results...
Gray, J., Mars and Venus on a Date. A Guide for Navigating the 5 Stages of Dating to Create a Loving and Lasting Relationship, Harper Paperbacks, New York, N.Y., USA, 1997.