Letter from Lhasa, number 196. (Wooding 1980): Uganda Holocaust
by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi
Wooding, D., and R. Barnett, Uganda Holocaust, Pickering&Inglis, London and Glasgow, UK, 1980.
(Wooding 1980).
Dan Wooding
Ray Barnett
This may be a mystifying book. One may read it stigmatizing the horrible era of Idi Amin and the radiant eras following it and preceding it.
Uganda was and is a British Commonwealth’s country. Deposed from power in 1979, and despite wide massacres personally ordered, even despite assassinations he personally carried on, even notorious for personal cannibalism, Idi Amin quietly died in 2003 in Saudi Arabia, a British and U.S. area.
From a politological point of view, the Idi Amin’s Uganda is a typical case of British destabilization, an “Islamic” destabilization, one of the numerous destabilisations just for keeping Africa in under-developmental conditions.
Uganda is not a naturally poor area. This is what one may found now [July 2010] in the CIA Factbook: “Uganda has substantial natural resources, including fertile soils, regular rainfall, small deposits of copper, gold, and other minerals, and recently discovered oil. Uganda has never conducted a national minerals survey. Agriculture is the most important sector of the economy, employing over 80% of the work force. Coffee accounts for the bulk of export revenues.” Since, it is not, as a lot of other ones, an unfavoured area, it must be kept, as a lot of other ones, in forced under-development. It is the imperialist law!
Robert Astles (1924-?), Idi Amin’s British advisor, is the classical chap put there for the some British MI* (Secret Intelligence Service), one of the classic “stay-behind” agents. He worked in the Obote government and, after the coup d’Etat against Obote, he worked for Idi Amin. Despite Idi Amin jailed him for 17 weeks, it seems with brutal treatment, he went on working for Idi Amin. ...Was it ordered him? After the fall of Idi Amin, he was jailed for 6 years half, despite acquitted from all charges previously moved against him. He went back to England in 1985, where he now lives. The fact that he be now a political or para-political militant, campaigning against superpower interference in African political and economic affairs, does not witness against having been and being a British secret agent. It is, on the contrary, a classic: leftists and pseudo-leftists or para-leftists working for the “fascists” in [real] office in the UK. For the British Empire, superpowers are the other ones while the British Empire is, now, it falsely tell, the tutor of small nations: it uses this kind of personages placed everywhere and at whatever level of the British pseudo-society.
In such countries (UK etc), and not only there, nearly everybody inside some useful network or position is recruited from some State/ “government” service. And, what is complementary, one may have a successful life and to access, reach, join, useful network or position only if previously recruited from or successfully applied for some State/ “government” service. Differently, one would not be allowed to live. Astles was previously a soldier. His remaining in the independent Uganda (since 1962) was a classical operation of stay behind or left behind.
The Idi Amn coup d’Etat was clearly wanted from the British:
“So when Major General Amin staged his coup on January 25, 1971, while Obote was in Singapore at the British Commonwealth Prime Ministers’ Conference, he was hailed as a hero by Ugandans and by most of the world.
“On swearing-in day Britain recognized Amin’s government, a lead soon to be followed around the world.”
Amin swore on a Bible.
(Wooding 1980, p. 39)
One of the pictures there are in this book shows Idi Amin attending a thanksgiving service at Rubaga Cathedral in February 1971. The Rubaga Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral. Another picture shows Idi Amin with Archbishop Nsubuga at Entebbe Airport, while awaiting the arrival of King Faisal in September 1972. Nsubuga is a Catholic hierarch.
When Idi Amin personally killed (17 February 1977) Archbishop Luwum, of the Anglican Church, Bob Astles was present at the Idi Amin’s press conference, near him, as to support his lies about the Luwum’s death.
The British program for Uganda was immediately clear:
“Journalist Joseph Kamau and Andrew Cameron wrote in their book, Lust to Kill (Corgi), “Three weeks after the take-over, seventy army officers and more than two thousand men had died. Within three months then thousand civilians had been slaughtered. Crocodiles basked beneath the Karuma Falls Bridge, the Bridge of Blood, spanning the river Nile. They grew both fat and lazy. Idi Amin cancelled elections and filled his prisons.
““The honeymoon was over. Uganda turned to the horror of Amin’s lust to kill.””
(Wooding 1980, p. 40)
Since whatever State terrorism needs the cover of the judiciary, Amin took over the judiciary. Since from 25 January 1971 to 21 September 1972, there are nearly 20 months, despite that “splendid” and “independent” Ugandan judiciary, the Amin’s State terrorism could be deployed without any real opposition. Also without an open terrorism against the judiciary, it was evidently sufficiently servile. However, Amin needed more.
Evidently Amin felt covered, as a British client:
“BENEDICTO KIWANUKA, the Chief Justice and former Prime Minister of Uganda, was sitting quietly in his office, working on legal papers, when three of Amin’s special police burst in. They were each wielding two pistols.
““You’re under arrest, big man,” said one of the State Research men, brutally slapping a pair of handcuffs on the law chief’s wrists.
““Grab his shoes,” the man in the dark glasses shouted to one of his accomplices, who roughly pulled them from Mr. Kiwanuka’s feet.
“The date was September 21, 1972, and the time was about 3:00 P.M. The raid took place at the Kampala High Court in the middle of a session of the East African Court of Appeal, attended by judges from all over that region.”
(Wooding 1980, p. 43)
The thesis that Uganda shifted from Israeli to Libyan influence since a sudden love of Amin for Gadhafi is not credible. States do not work in that way. Even more ridiculous is that Saudi Arabia might have influenced or aggravated the already bloody Ugandan course:
“The president’s fever for the Moslem faith reached its height during the visit of the Arab king. Faisal brought him royal gifts, including an enormous platter of gold and a golden sword. He told the impressed Amin: “With this sword, Moslemize your country.””
(Wooding 1980, p. 54)
Amin was covered from the bosses of the world, the British and the Americans, the same control the United Nations:
“In a damning report from the International Commission of Jurists, based in Geneva, President Amin was accused of being responsible for up to ninety thousand deaths during the first two years of his regime.
“The United Nations did nothing about these endless atrocities. And the African states made no attempt to restrain the black Hitler in their midst.”
(Wooding 1980, p. 64)
From a psychological point of view, it is typical case of usual “human” lousy attitude. Louses act only when power gives orders. Power is the British and the Americans. Uganda butchers felt covered from world power and powers.
Now, Muslims are about 12% of the population. The large majority of the population is Christian. That Libya and/or Saudi Arabia could push Idi Amin to the genocide of non-Muslim, or of supposedly “pro-American” non-Muslim, is highly improbable. A religious war would have rapidly defeated the Muslim. Anyway, the State bureaucracy was not made only or mainly of Muslims. The same Idi Amin was not a fanatic Muslim. He was moved from other passions.
Louses obey orders. Better, louses spasmodically need insane orders to execute. In Uganda, as elsewhere in the world, there was abundance of louses ready to obey criminal orders coming from a clearly incurable psychopathic criminal. Not less incurable psychopathic criminals are those who, from abroad, pushed, covered and helped him.
When Idi Amin was not any more useful for the shitting of Uganda, he was let to commit his political suicide and was removed since the intervention of a bordering country he had attacked. Even if his death squads expatriated, many active or silent people of the Uganda State death machine remained in office and in their living places, were not punished and served the new rulers.
The British and the U.S. Empires (their Russian, Chinese and other appendages too) prosper on such shitting of the whole world.
Wooding, D., and R. Barnett, Uganda Holocaust, Pickering&Inglis, London and Glasgow, UK, 1980.