24 September 2010

Letter from Lhasa, number 198. (Mishra 2009): Becoming a Journalist in Exile

Letter from Lhasa, number 198. (Mishra 2009): Becoming a Journalist in Exile
by Roberto Abraham Scaruffi

Mishra, T. P., Becoming a Journalist in Exile, T. P. Mishra for TWMN - Bhutan Chapter, March 2009.
(Mishra 2009).
Thakur Prasad Mishra

This book is sufficiently rough. What is anyway an advantage. The author and the co-authors try to invent some independent journalism while claiming some educational function and social goals of what they call journalism.

Journalism is now news now gossip made business. The journalist writes for editors and publishers having to fill materials to be sold and to be allowed be sold.

If one wished to write truthful things, and in an absolute free way, perhaps the only way would be writing novels and to suppose they be never published. Generally published novels are previously edited from the publishing company for making then supposedly digestible, actually “socially” acceptable.     

I you want to write the truth or possible truths, first avoid mystifications!

Mishra, T. P., Becoming a Journalist in Exile, T. P. Mishra for TWMN - Bhutan Chapter, March 2009.